Sunday, September 10, 2017

Real-time traffic visualization using Netflix Vizceral

The open source sflow-rt/vizceral project demonstrates how real-time sFlow network telemetry can be presented using Netflix Vizceral. The central dot represents the Internet (all non-local addresses). The surrounding dots represents addresses grouped into sites, data centers, buildings etc. The animated particle flows represent packet flows with colors indicating packet type: TCP/UDP shown in blue, ICMP shown in yellow, and all other traffic in red.
Click on a node to zoom in to show packets flowing up and down the protocol stack. Press the ESC key to unzoom.

The simplest way to run the software is to use the pre-built Docker image:
docker run -p 6343:6343/udp -p 8008:8008 sflow/vizceral
The Docker image also contains demo data based on Netflix's public cloud infrastructure:
docker run -e "RTPROP=-Dviz.demo=yes" -p 8008:8008 sflow/vizceral
In this case, the detailed view shows messages flowing between microservices running in the Amazon public cloud. Similar visibility could be obtained by deploying Host sFlow agents with associated modules for web and application servers and modifying sflow/vizceral to present the application transaction flows. In private data centers, sFlow support in load balancers  (F5, A10) provides visibility into interactions between application tiers. See Microservices for more information on using sFlow to instrument microservice architectures.
Collecting Docker Swarm service metrics describes how meta data about services running on Docker Swarm can be combined with sFlow telemetry to generate service level metrics. A similar approach could be taken to display Docker Swarm service interactions using Vizceral. Using network visibility to measure flows between services greatly simplifies the monitoring task, avoiding the challenge of adding instrumentation to each container.

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