Thursday, July 13, 2023

Deploy real-time network dashboards using Docker compose

This article demonstrates how to use docker compose to quickly deploy a real-time network analytics stack that includes the sFlow-RT analytics engine, Prometheus time series database, and Grafana to create dashboards.
git clone
cd prometheus-grafana
Download the sflow-rt/prometheus-grafana project from GitHub on a system with Docker installed and start the containers. The script runs docker compose to bring up the containers specified in the compose.yml file, passing in user information so that the containers have correct permission to  write data files in the prometheus and grafana directories.
All the Docker images in this example are available for both x86 and ARM processors, so this stack can be deployed on Intel/AMD platforms as well as Apple M1/M2 or Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi 4 real-time network analytics describes how to configure a Raspberry Pi 4 to run Docker and perform real-time network analytics and is a simple way to run this stack for smaller networks.

Configure sFlow Agents in network devices to stream sFlow telemetry to the host running the analytics stack. See Getting Started for information on how to verify that sFlow telemetry is being received.

Connect to the Grafana web interface on port 3000 using default user name and password (admin/admin). You will be promted to change the password.
Select the option to Import a new Dashboard.
Enter the code 11201 to import sFlow-RT Network Interfaces dashboard from and click on the Load button.
Select the sflow_rt_data Prometheus database and click on the Import button.
The dashboard should appear showing top interfaces by Utilization, Discards and Errors.
Repeat the steps to add the sFlow-RT Health dashboard, code 11096.

The sFlow-RT Countries and Networks dashboard is an example of a flow based metric, plotting information about source and destination countries and provider networks based on traffic analytics.

Prometheus has already been programmed to gather metrics for the previous two example, but to run this third example, we need to modify the Prometheus configuration to gather the flow based metrics needed for the dashboard.

  - job_name: 'sflow-rt-countries'
    metrics_path: /app/prometheus/scripts/export.js/flows/ALL/txt
      - targets: ['sflow-rt:8008']
      metric: ['sflow_country_bps']
        - 'null:[country:ipsource:both]:unknown'
        - 'null:[country:ipdestination:both]:unknown'
      label: ['src','dst']
      value: ['bytes']
      scale: ['8']
      aggMode: ['sum']
      minValue: ['1000']
      maxFlows: ['100']

  - job_name: 'sflow-rt-asns'
    metrics_path: /app/prometheus/scripts/export.js/flows/ALL/txt
      - targets: ['sflow-rt:8008']
      metric: ['sflow_asn_bps']
        - 'null:[asn:ipsource:both]:unknown'
        - 'null:[asn:ipdestination:both]:unknown'
      label: ['src','dst']
      value: ['bytes']
      scale: ['8']
      aggMode: ['sum']
      minValue: ['1000']
      maxFlows: ['100']
Edit the prometheus/prometheus.yml file and add the above lines to the end of the file.
docker restart prometheus
Restart the prometheus container to pick up the new configuration and start collecting the data.
Add dashboard 11146 to load the sFlow-RT Countries and Networks dashboard.

Getting Started describes how to use the sFlow-RT Flow Browser and Metrics Browser applications to explore the data that is available (the sFlow-RT web interface is exposed on port 8008). Once you have found a useful metric, add it to the set of metrics for Prometheus (the Prometheus web interface is exposed on port 9090) to collect and use Grafana to build dashboards that incorporate the new metrics. Flow metrics with Prometheus and Grafana describes how Prometheus can use sFlow-RT's REST API to define and retrieve traffic flow based metrics like the ones in the Countries and Networks dashboard.