Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Grafana Cloud

Grafana Cloud is a cloud hosted version of Grafana, Prometheus, and Loki. The free tier makes it easy to try out the service and has enough capability to satisfy simple use cases. In this article we will explore how metrics based on sFlow streaming telemetry can be pushed into Grafana Cloud.

The diagram shows the elements of the solution. Agents in host and network devices are configured to stream sFlow telemetry to an sFlow-RT real-time analytics engine instance. The Grafana Agent queries sFlow-RT's REST API for metrics and pushes them to Grafana Cloud.
docker run -p 8008:8008 -p 6343:6343/udp --name sflow-rt -d sflow/prometheus
Use Docker to run the pre-built sflow/prometheus image which packages sFlow-RT with the sflow-rt/prometheus application. Configure sFlow agents to stream data to this instance.
Create a Grafana Cloud account. Click on the Agent button on the home page to get the configuration settings for the Grafana Agent.
Click on the Prometheus button to get the configuration to forward metrics from the Grafana Agent.
Enter a name and click on the Create API key button to generate configuration settings that include a URL, username, and password that will be used in the Grafana Agent configuration.
  log_level: info
  http_listen_port: 12345
  wal_directory: /tmp/wal
    scrape_interval: 15s
    - name: agent
      host_filter: false
        - job_name: 'sflow-rt-analyzer'
          metrics_path: /prometheus/analyzer/txt
            - targets: ['host.docker.internal:8008']
        - job_name: 'sflow-rt-metrics'
          metrics_path: /prometheus/metrics/ALL/ALL/txt
            - targets: ['host.docker.internal:8008']
            - source_labels: ['agent', 'datasource']
              separator: ':'
              target_label: instance
        - job_name: 'sflow-rt-countries'
          metrics_path: /app/prometheus/scripts/export.js/flows/ALL/txt
            - targets: ['host.docker.internal:8008']
            metric: ['sflow_country_bps']
            key: ['null:[country:ipsource:both]:unknown','null:[country:ipdestination:both]:unknown']
            label: ['src','dst']
            value: ['bytes']
            scale: ['8']
            aggMode: ['sum']
            minValue: ['1000']
            maxFlows: ['100']
        - job_name: 'sflow-rt-asns'
          metrics_path: /app/prometheus/scripts/export.js/flows/ALL/txt
            - targets: ['host.docker.internal:8008']
            metric: ['sflow_asn_bps']
            key: ['null:[asn:ipsource:both]:unknown','null:[asn:ipdestination:both]:unknown']
            label: ['src','dst']
            value: ['bytes']
            scale: ['8']
            aggMode: ['sum']
            minValue: ['1000']
            maxFlows: ['100']
        - url: API_URL
            username: API_USERID
            password: API_KEY
Create an agent.yaml configuration file. Substitute the API_URL, API_USERID, and API_KEY with values from the API Key settings obtained previosly.
docker run -v $PWD/data:/etc/agent/data -v $PWD/agent.yaml:/etc/agent/agent.yaml \
--name grafana-agent -d grafana/agent
Use Docker to run the Grafana Agent.
Data should start appearing in Grafana Cloud. Install the sFlow-RT Health, sFlow-RT Countries and Networks, and sFlow-RT Network Interfaces dashboards to view the data. For example, the Countries and Networks dashboard above shows traffic entering and leaving your network broken out by network and country. Flow metrics with Prometheus and Grafana describes how to build Prometheus scrape_configs that will cause sFlow-RT to export custom traffic flow metrics. 
There are important scaleability and cost advantages to placing the sFlow-RT analytics engine in front of the metrics collection service. For example, in large scale cloud environments the metrics for each member of a dynamic pool isn't necessarily worth trending since virtual machines / containers are frequently added and removed. Instead, sFlow-RT can be instructed to track all the members of the pool, calculates summary statistics for the pool, and log the summary statistics. This pre-processing can significantly reduce storage requirements, lowering costs and increasing query performance. 
Host, Docker, Swarm and Kubernetes monitoring describes how to deploy sFlow agents to monitor compute infrastructure.
The sFlow-RT Prometheus Exporter application exposes a REST API that allows metrics to be summarized, filtered, and synthesized. Exposing these capabilities through a REST API allows Prometheus scrape_configs to control the behavior of the sFlow-RT analytics pipeline and retrieve a small set of hight value metrics tailored to your requirements.

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