Monday, December 6, 2021

Real-time Kubernetes cluster monitoring example

The Sunburst GPU chart updates every second to show a real-time view of the share of GPU resources being consumed by namespaces operating on the Nautilus hyperconverged Kubernetes cluster. The Nautilus cluster tightly couples distributes storage, GPU, and CPU resources to share among the participating research organizations.

The Sunburst Process chart provides an up to the second view of the cluster-wide share of CPU resources used by each namespace.

The Sunburst DNS chart shows a real-time view of network activity generated by each namespace. The chart is produced by looking up DNS names for network addresses observed in packet flows using the Kubernetes DNS service. The domain names contain information about the namespace, service, and node generating the packets. Most traffic is exchanges between nodes within the cluster (identified as local). The external (not local) traffic is also shown by DNS name.
The Sunburst Protocols chart shows the different network protocols being used to communicate between nodes in the cluster. The chart shows the IP over IP tunnel traffic used for network virtualization.
Clicking on a segment in the Sunburst Protocols chart allows the selected traffic to be examined in detail using the Flow Browser. In this example, DNS names are again used to translate raw packet flow data into inter-namespace flows. See Defining Flows for information on the flow analytics capabilities that can be explored using the browse-flows application.
The Discard Browser provides a detailed view of any network packets dropped in the cluster. In this chart inter-namespace dropped packets are displayed, identifying the haproxy service as the largest source of dropped packets. 
The final chart shows an up to the second view of the average power consumed by a GPU in the cluster (approximately 250 Watts per GPU).
The diagram shows the elements of the monitoring solution. Host sFlow agents deployed on each Node in the Kubernetes Cluster stream standard sFlow telemetry to an instance of the sFlow-RT real-time analytics software that provides cluster wide metrics through a REST API, where they can be viewed, or imported into time series databases like Prometheus and trended in dashboards using tools like Grafana.
Note: sFlow is widely supported by network switches and routers. Enable sFlow monitoring in the physical network infrastructure for end-to-end visibility.

Create the following sflow-rt.yml file to deploy the pre-built sflow/prometheus Docker image, bundling sFlow-RT with the applications used in this article:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: sflow-rt-sflow
  type: NodePort
    name: sflow-rt
    - protocol: UDP
      port: 6343
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: sflow-rt-rest
  type: LoadBalancer
    name: sflow-rt
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 8008
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: sflow-rt
  replicas: 1
      name: sflow-rt
        name: sflow-rt
      - name: sflow-rt
        image: sflow/prometheus:latest
          - name: http
            protocol: TCP
            containerPort: 8008
          - name: sflow
            protocol: UDP
            containerPort: 6343

Run the following command to deploy the service:

kubectl apply -f sflow-rt.yml

Now create the following host-sflow.yml file to deploy the pre-built sflow/host-sflow Docker image:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: host-sflow
      name: host-sflow
        name: host-sflow
      restartPolicy: Always
      hostNetwork: true
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
      - name: host-sflow
        image: sflow/host-sflow:latest
          - name: COLLECTOR
            value: "sflow-rt-sflow"
          - name: SAMPLING
            value: "10"
          - name: NET
            value: "host"
          - name: DROPMON
            value: "enable"
          - mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock
            name: docker-sock
            readOnly: true
        - name: docker-sock
            path: /var/run/docker.sock

Run the following command to deploy the agents:

kubectl apply -f host-sflow.yml

Telemetry should immediately start streaming as a Host sFlow agent is started on each node in the cluster.

Note: Exporting GPU performance metrics from the NVIDIA GPUs in the Nautilus cluster requires a special version of the Host sFlow agent built using the NVIDIA supplied Docker image that includes GPU drivers, see

Access the sFlow-RT web user interface to confirm that telemetry is being received.

The sFlow-RT Status page confirms that telemetry is being received from all 180 nodes in the cluster.
Note: If you don't currently have access to a production Kubernetes cluster, you can experiment with this solution using Docker Desktop, see Kubernetes testbed.
The charts shown in this article are accessed via the sFlow-RT Apps tab.

The sFlow-RT applications are designed to explore the available metrics, but don't provide persistent storage. Prometheus export functionality allows metrics to be recorded in a time series database to drive operational dashboards, see  Flow metrics with Prometheus and Grafana.


  1. Hello Peter , Thank you so much for everything , I learned a Lot from your blogs. here I have small problem that i cant find (nvml_power) in my browse metric, is it new item I should update my sflow-rt ? or I should to add some configuration ?

    1. You need a custom build of the Host sFlow agent. See the note in the article for a link to the Dockerfile used to build Host sFlow with the NVIDIA drivers.
